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 Key dates


- Abstracts and applications should be submitted before january 31st 2009

- Notification of abstract acceptance : march 2009

- Early registration deadline : 15 may 2009

- Conference dates : from may 25th 2009 14:00 to may 31st 2009 14:00




The number of participants will be limited to 60 people. Applicants should fill the following form and send it (in the core of the e-mail) to meunier at irphe.univ-mrs.fr before january 31st 2009, together with an abstract of their talk (see below).

- Family Name:
- First Name:
- (Professional) Address:
- E-mail:
- I would like to make a 20' talk: YES / NO
If yes, title of the talk:

- I am:  a student / a normal participant
- For PhD students: give the name of your supervisor.

- I will pay : by credit card / by purchase order of my university
Some financial supports may be available, please ask if you are interested.

- I wish to stay in a: single room/ double room. 
Note: there is a limited number of rooms in the IGESA centre; and all rooms are double occupancy.  Single rooms will therefore be available only if there are less participants than expected.
- I am a male/ female
- I want to share a room with: (give the name of another participant)
Contact me if you have special needs for eating/lodging (in particular, if you come with your family).



The selection of the participants will be made on the basis of small abstracts which will be published in the book of abstract for the workshop.

The abstracts should be one A4 page in length and will be formatted in single column. At the beginning should be centered the paper title, author’s names and affiliations, and a contact e-mail address.

Figures can be included within this page limit, margins to be no less than 1 cm. Colour figures will be published in black and white in the book of abstracts.

Abstracts should be sent as a PDF (Portable Document Format) file, whose filename should contain the name of the first author (e.g. Meunier.pdf).




Registration include full-board lodging for 6 days (starting Monday morning, ending Sunday morning). Payment should be made by credit card or by purchase order before may 15th 2009. An extra 50 Euros will be added for on-site payment.

*** Payment is now available on-line : please connect to the pages in english or in french. After entering your coordinates informations (first page), there might be an error message. Refresh your browser to go to the next page. Please send us an email when your payment is completed. ***

Normal registration fees :

- 650 Euros (single room)

- 600 Euros (double room)

Student registration fees :

- 450 Euros (double room)








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